Change Diagnostics

Our Scoping Discussion, Agile Change Diagnostic and Change Framework allow us to quickly understand your transformation. We have developed these practical tools after many years of experience in Change Management. We can apply them with you to design the right support to deliver your objectives.

Introducing our Agile Change Diagnostic

Be it generating excitement, building engagement, changing mindset, promoting a call to action or embedding changes; people make the difference. 

Change adoption begins right at the start of a project. But useful tools like Business Readiness Assessments often come after the main work of the project is well established, making it difficult to course correct or identify potential pitfalls before they happen.

That’s why we developed our Agile Change Diagnostic (AC Diagnostic).

The AC Diagnostic is structured yet easy to use, comprehensive yet pragmatic. Designed for Change and Project managers, it can be applied to both Agile or Waterfall Projects right from the start to help assure successful adoption and delivery of planned business benefits. 

How does the Agile Change Diagnostic (AC Diagnostic) help?

  • Use the diagnostic for consensus building and to check alignment between different project team members and stakeholders.
  • Identify areas of strength, weakness and also understand variance in perception.
  • Determines the change management needs and gives an indication of where to focus and take action.
  • Display results in graphical or tabular format which allows stakeholders to face into the things they may intuitively know.
  • Use the structure of the diagnostic to help frame open and potentially difficult conversations.

How does it work

The Agile Change Diagnostic measures 10 key change components

This is about assessing the case for change. Is the Why understood, articulated and commitment secured?

This section asks about whether a sponsor has been secured and onboarded, and a process to engage leadership has been defined.
Use the structure of the diagnostic to help frame open and difficult conversations.

Has the business experienced a lot of change resulting in change fatigue. Is there a culture of change within the business?

This considers the level of available business resource and expertise to prepare for the change.

How motivated your people are to drive the change, do leaders understand the case for change and can to lead their teams through it.

Seeks to assess what the level of risk is to overall success what is at stake if the change is not implemented.

Are there any dependencies with other projects/events that need to be considered in the change planning?

Is the business organised for the new demands that Agile brings and how it relates to change management?

This section considers if a process of regular checks throughout the project has been considered and planned for.

How does it work

The Agile Change Diagnostic measures 10 key change components

Benefits Case

Benefits Case

This is about assessing the case for change. Is the Why understood, articulated and commitment secured?

Sponsorship and Governance

Sponsorship and Governance

This section asks about whether a sponsor has been secured and onboarded, and a process to engage leadership has been defined.



Has the narrative and story for change been well developed? Is there a communications plan and is it executed well?

Change Impacts

Change Impacts

Use the structure of the diagnostic to help frame open and difficult conversations.

Organisational Change Ability

Organisational Change Ability

This considers the level of available business resource and expertise to prepare for the change.



How motivated your people are to drive the change, do leaders understand the case for change and can to lead their teams through it.



Seeks to assess what the level of risk is to overall success what is at stake if the change is not implemented.



Are there any dependencies with other projects/events that need to be considered in the change planning?



Is the business organised for the new demands that Agile brings and how it relates to change management?



This section considers if a process of regular checks throughout the project has been considered and planned for.

Let's talk

Want to know more? We would be delighted to discuss how we might help — let’s talk.